Health & Fitness

Month: October 2022

General Articles

Ultimate 1200 Calorie Diet Plan – Lose Fat Fast, Naturally!

Ultimate 1200 Calorie Diet Plan – Lose Fat Fast, Naturally!

Can you lose weight using a 1200 calorie diet plan? Providing the foods you choose are healthy (provides the necessary minerals and vitamins), yes you can lose 10 lbs every 14 days with moderate activity like walking, and average stimulation. …

General Articles

Want Six Pack Abs

Want Six Pack Abs

Do you want six pack abs? There are many myths going around especially in bodybuilding magazines and supplement advertisements. If you want cold, hard truth about getting six pack abs, then you need to read the following list.

The five most common myths about getting six …

General Articles

How to Find a Dentist When You Are New to a Community

How to Find a Dentist When You Are New to a Community

How do you find a dentist, especially if you are new to a community? There are a number of factors to consider when trying to find a dentist for you and your family. First, you will probably want …

General Articles

Following a Whole Foods Diet For Healthy Teeth

Following a Whole Foods Diet For Healthy Teeth

We all hate going to the dentist… the smell, the drill sounds, and the discomfort that you feel from the numbing shots is what makes us cringe! But, did you know that you can actually prevent the need for high-cost dental work …

General Articles

How to Choose the Best Sedation Dentist? A Pain-Free Alternative in Dentistry

How to Choose the Best Sedation Dentist? A Pain-Free Alternative in Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is an alternative way to undergo a pain-free dental procedure. Today, “sedation dentistry” is promoted by a number of dentists across the globe. This dental procedure refers to the use of anesthesia during treatment to place …

General Articles

The Many Faces of HPV

The Many Faces of HPV

Imagine catching a virus that has over 250 types or strains! These 250 all have one symptom in common, a wart – an interruption in the growth of skin cells, where the cells cluster and grow out of control. But that is the only element …

General Articles

Eating Eggs for Breakfast for a Healthy Diet

Eating Eggs for Breakfast for a Healthy Diet

Eggs are essential for those that want to lose weight. Some nutritionists may argue that these food products are increasing the body weight. However, some others prefer to eat eggs as an aid to losing the pounds. What are eggs? This spheroid …

General Articles

Healthy Holiday Travel Tips

Healthy Holiday Travel Tips

The single most important precaution is getting flu vaccine as soon as possible. The current vaccine is widely available in almost all communities. It takes a minimum of 2 weeks to develop any immunity after receiving the flu shot. Although this requires acting soon and planning …

General Articles

Great Ways To Keep Up Your Healthy Diet

Great Ways To Keep Up Your Healthy Diet

Do you have vegetables sitting in your freezer right now? They probably have been sitting there for over a month. Frozen vegetables so often get overlooked, and they are a very important part of your diet because they contain fiber and nutrients …

General Articles

Turtle to Turbo Speed: Flu Shot – Will She Or Won’t She?

Turtle to Turbo Speed: Flu Shot – Will She Or Won’t She?

Four months down and four months to go until marathon day, or as I call it, “when the real suffering begins.” As the marathon draws closer and the countdown to flu season begins, we’ve had many office discussions …

General Articles

4 Sure-Fire Ways to Improve Your Health in Your 40s

4 Sure-Fire Ways to Improve Your Health in Your 40s

Reaching the age of 40 is a milestone in your life and this is also a transition period for many of them as far as their body and health is concerned. It’s important to make wise choices in terms of …

General Articles

Both an HIV Vaccine and an HIV Cure Are Needed

Both an HIV Vaccine and an HIV Cure Are Needed

Every day there is more and more news coming from HIV research. The HIV pandemic is not over, and some may say it is only just beginning. Thirty-three million are currently infected and there are 7,000 new cases daily. The …

General Articles

What Are the Biggest Tetanus Symptoms?

What Are the Biggest Tetanus Symptoms?

Strangely, most people have only heard of tetanus from the phrase “tetanus shot,” instead of from understanding what it is, or more about tetanus symptoms. If they were more informed, there would be far more attention given to efforts to prevent contracting the deadly …

General Articles

Start a Healthy Diet With Foods That Burn Fat

Start a Healthy Diet With Foods That Burn Fat

If you want to start a healthy lifestyle, you should pay particular attention to your food choices. Most people fail in the implementation of their diet plans because they have the tendency to have too much intake of the wrong types …

General Articles

What should you do in case of infidelity?

There may come a time when love in a couple has run out, and the best thing to do is to separate. But what to do when you discover that there is a pregnancy? How to trust someone you don’t love? DNA testing while pregnant emerges as an effective solution …

General Articles

Tips to Naturally Lose Weight

Tips to Naturally Lose Weight

Long Term Healthy Weight Loss

In the high-tech, fast paced world that we live in everybody seems to be in constant motion, expecting results and information instantaneously. This of course applies to weight loss, but the simple truth is that losing weight is not a …

General Articles

How to Prevent and Cure the Flu Naturally Without a Vaccine

How to Prevent and Cure the Flu Naturally Without a Vaccine

“If a doctor treats your flu, it will go away in fourteen days. If you leave it alone, it will go away in two weeks,” said Gloria Silverstein. Drinking water, washing your hands, and getting enough sleep are important, …

General Articles

HPV Virus – 6 Reasons You May Be at Risk!

HPV Virus – 6 Reasons You May Be at Risk!

Several factors put you as an individual at greater risk of becoming infected with the HPV virus:

Lack of education – The less you know and understand about the HPV virus and the various ways in which it can be …


How to perform a DNA test without leaving home?

DNA is the only reliable material that allows you to know if you have a biological connection with another person or if you are someone else’s father, son, or brother. Thanks to new and advanced technologies, you can buy DNA home test kits and take the samples in the comfort …

General Articles

Your Guide to Healthy Relationships – Do You Know How a Swine Flu Vaccine May Harm Your Loved Ones?

Your Guide to Healthy Relationships – Do You Know How a Swine Flu Vaccine May Harm Your Loved Ones?

If you’d like to enjoy healthy relationships, it’s important to maintain your best health. To support these goals, I’d like you to know how the swine flu vaccine may harm you …

General Articles

Preventative Care For Your Pet

Preventative Care For Your Pet

We all know that if our pets become ill or injured the first place we would take them is a veterinary hospital. However, an alarming number of pet owners do not make sure the pets they love so much receive the preventative care they need. …