Health & Fitness

Month: July 2022

General Articles

Learn How to Avoid the Flu

Learn How to Avoid the Flu

Today, the flu is on more people’s minds than at any other time in recent history. All around Australia, people are scrambling to educate themselves about how to avoid the flu. Flu vaccinations have skyrocketed in demand, and Internet searches for ways to avoid …

General Articles

Healthy Eating Habits Are As Easy As 1, 2, 3

Healthy Eating Habits Are As Easy As 1, 2, 3

So many diets, these days, stress no carbs and no fat. However, these are two of the most important ingredients to any healthy diet. In fact, healthy fats, proteins, and good carbohydrates are the three key ingredients to staying healthy. …

General Articles

Is the H1N1 Threat Over?

Is the H1N1 Threat Over?

There are a lot of conflicting information about H1N1, aka the Swine Flu. Doubts about the validity of it as a true worldwide threat, what the vaccine “really is,” and whether or not the media overreacted abound. Now, added to this is the question about …

General Articles

Treating Heart Disease

Treating Heart Disease

Protocols for treating heart disease are always based upon the severity and extent of the condition in each patient. Although mild to moderate cases of the condition are effectively treated with diet, exercise and medication, more advanced cases require surgical intervention. Invasive surgical procedures that treat the …

General Articles

Natural Ways to Reduce the Risk of Flu

Natural Ways to Reduce the Risk of Flu

Flu can be very problematic to deal with. The 2009 influenza pandemic caused by the H1N1 virus showed why it is never too late to take preventive measures against flu. Building up resistance against flu may not shield you completely from the …

General Articles

Healthy Eating is the Key to Losing Weight

Healthy Eating is the Key to Losing Weight

There is no shortage of fad diets which promise amazing results if you follow their plan. The ads always feature someone who claims to have dropped pounds and shed inches in a short period of time but you know what they say …

General Articles

The Real Truth About Organic Food

The Real Truth About Organic Food

Organic Food

A recent study funded by the European Union about the benefit of organic food has led to the idea that it is conclusively and by far better than those conventionally grown products. The study itself was a million dollar investment for the …

General Articles

Eat Smart to Lose Weight With Strong Motivation

Eat Smart to Lose Weight With Strong Motivation

A few pounds of excess body fat are not health risk for most people. However when people follow a trend to consume more calories than they burn, more and more fat is accumulated in their bodies. Therefore overeating is a problem of …

General Articles

5 Healthy Dieting Foods

5 Healthy Dieting Foods

A healthy diet doesn’t require a lot of special foods to help you lose weight. In fact, the simplest foods you can eat are often the really healthy diet foods. In many cases, it’s how the foods are prepared that determine whether or not they’re healthy …

General Articles

Do Diet Plans for Men Work?

Do Diet Plans for Men Work?

Most men who go on a diet make it up as they go along. They may eliminate one food from their normal intake, or they may just start working out a little harder. The truth is that there is a lot more science behind …

General Articles

Does MMR Cause Autism?

Does MMR Cause Autism?

Do MMR vaccines cause autism?

The answer based on current research is NO. The association between MMR vaccines and Autism can be traced to the late 1980s, when it was noticed that there has been an increase in the number of autism being diagnosed. Rates from …

General Articles

HPV Warts – How To Prevent Them

HPV Warts – How To Prevent Them

There are great advantages in getting HPV warts vaccine. HPV or the Human Papillomavirus is a sexually transmitted disease and the most prevalent in the United States. At least half of sexually active individuals will contract HPV at some point in their lives.…

General Articles

Getting The Proper Nutrition For A Healthy Pregnancy

Getting The Proper Nutrition For A Healthy Pregnancy

Some expectant mothers are under the impression that just because they are eating for two, they have full rights to eat whatever they want, whenever they want. They could not be more wrong as eating for two does not mean stuffing yourself …

General Articles

The ABCs of Travel Vaccination

The ABCs of Travel Vaccination

Getting ready for a big trip can be busy and confusing, especially if you’re going somewhere new or far away. Luckily getting the right vaccinations is as easy as ABC. In fact, you only need to remember one letter to keep all your necessary vaccinations …

General Articles

Is a Yellow Fever Vaccine Safe?

Is a Yellow Fever Vaccine Safe?

Receiving a ‘live virus vaccine’ sounds scary. Who wouldn’t think twice about receiving a travel vaccination that contained a live virus? Relax, scientists and the pharmaceutical companies know what they are doing. In fact, a milestone experiment in vaccination from the 18th century, used …

General Articles

Learn All About Kennel Cough Symptoms

Learn All About Kennel Cough Symptoms

We explain kennel cough symptoms and kennel cough treatment. One way to cure these symptoms dog illness is by using kennel cough vaccine. Kennel cough is the term used for viral and bacterial infections that causes inflammation of a dog’s voice box and windpipe. …

General Articles

A Special Swine Flu Vaccine Alert

A Special Swine Flu Vaccine Alert

There is growing concern among the health care community and general public regarding the push for a pandemic H1N1 vaccination due to known and unknown side effect potential. This past August, the Daily Mail, UK distribution, leaked a letter from the Health Protection Agency …

General Articles

The Beauty Benefits Of A Healthy Diet

The Beauty Benefits Of A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet consists of good eating habits and highly nutritious foods. Studies have shown that eating healthy can boost the immune system and protect the body from developing problems such as heart disease, skeletal conditions, obesity, cancer, and diabetes. Eating the proper …

General Articles

How is the Swine Flu Vaccine Being Developed?

How is the Swine Flu Vaccine Being Developed?

The swine flu vaccine is being developed by various companies and there are many ways to produce it. However, 90% of the companies are using the traditional method. The swine flu viruses are being grown inside of fertilized eggs, the most common …

General Articles

Canine Melanoma Vaccine: Breakthrough Treatment for Melanoma in Dogs

Canine Melanoma Vaccine: Breakthrough Treatment for Melanoma in Dogs

Canine melanoma vaccine, known as ONCEPT, was developed by Merial, a worldwide leader in the area of animal health. It was the first therapeutic vaccine to be approved by the USDA for treating cancer in animals or humans.

Some pet owners …

General Articles

What Should You Know About Canine Distemper Vaccine (CDV)?

What Should You Know About Canine Distemper Vaccine (CDV)?

Canine Distemper is a worldwide, contagious, viral disease that’s incurable and often fatal. It was once the leading cause of death in puppies but since the introduction of a vaccine in the 1960s is no longer commonly seen.

Puppies between the …

General Articles

How to Organise a Workplace Flu Vaccination

How to Organise a Workplace Flu Vaccination

As the flu vaccine becomes more and more popular, workplace vaccination drives are as well. Such events are in the best interest of the employer, as well as the employees, and can help keep flu outbreaks and sick days to a minimum. If …