Health & Fitness

Month: April 2022

General Articles

What Is Parvo and Is My Dog In Danger?

What Is Parvo and Is My Dog In Danger?

Parvo, short for canine parvovirus type 2, is an extremely contagious virus that has been largely eliminated in domestic dogs today, thanks to vaccinations given early in puppyhood. The most common form is spread through contaminated feces and has an extremely …

General Articles

FDA Approves New Cervical Cancer Vaccine

FDA Approves New Cervical Cancer Vaccine

GlaxoSmithKline is a British drug company that also makes a drug called Cervarix. It is used for treating cervical cancer. Cervarix is actually a vaccine that helps to prevent cervical cancer in women. This particular drug has been in the market since 2006 and …

General Articles

Help For the Perfect Way to Lose Weight

Help For the Perfect Way to Lose Weight

The most appropriate weight loss plan will require that you discover the best way to lose weight and fit into a smaller size effectively and efficiently. Doing this will require that you do some research on the programs available and decide on …

General Articles

7 Myths About Healthy Weight Loss You Need to Know

7 Myths About Healthy Weight Loss You Need to Know

It’s very surprising but even in this information age that we live in, there are still many myths about losing weight. Healthy weight loss always involves eating a balanced diet and exercise but many people are still confused about how …

General Articles

Three Questions You Need to Answer About the H1N1 Virus For Your Online Business

Three Questions You Need to Answer About the H1N1 Virus For Your Online Business

We continue to be inundated with information about the flu season and the H1N1 swine flu virus. We all ask ourselves the question, should I get the H1N1 flu shot? Is this virus more dangerous than …

General Articles

Four Questions and Answers About the H1n1 Virus For Your Online Business

Four Questions and Answers About the H1n1 Virus For Your Online Business

Daily we hear about the flu season and the H1N1 swine flu virus. We all ask ourselves the question, should I get the H1N1 flu shot? If I am harmed by the vaccine, what legal recourse do I …

General Articles

The Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

The Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

A person’s smile is an important part of their appearance and can even affect how comfortable they are in social situations, so a great smile is key. If you are thinking about whitening your teeth, there are generally two options available to you. One …

General Articles

How to Lose Weight Permanently – The Right Way

How to Lose Weight Permanently – The Right Way

Weight loss is something that crosses the minds of the average person at some point in the lifetime. Whether the goal is to get trim for an upcoming event, beach season, or to improve one’s health, weight loss can be achieved …

General Articles

The Two Secrets to Getting Flat Abs – Shhh, Don’t Tell Anyone

The Two Secrets to Getting Flat Abs – Shhh, Don’t Tell Anyone

Let’s face it, you can work out until you are blue in the face (or more likely red in the face to be more realistic) but until those abs start peeking out from your midsection, you really haven’t …

General Articles

How Smartphone Apps Can Help in Living a Healthy Lifestyle?

How Smartphone Apps Can Help in Living a Healthy Lifestyle?

A smart phone can really help you live healthy lifestyle. Yes, it is quite difficult to eat and live healthy while you are regularly on the go. But do not forget that your smart phone is also on the go …

General Articles

Vaccination Does Not Cause Autism – Period

Vaccination Does Not Cause Autism – Period

You’ve likely heard the claim before. Sadly, you may have heard it from the parent of an autistic child. Even sadder, you may be the parent of such a child yourself and have been left to wonder what caused them to develop such …

General Articles

The Very Real Danger of Rabies – Get Vaccinated

The Very Real Danger of Rabies – Get Vaccinated

Crazed, frothing-at-the-mouth, mean and ornery – these are some of the words that pop into your head when thinking of animals infected with rabies. Protecting ourselves via vaccination for this debilitating and very often deadly disease is a great idea if …

General Articles

HPV – 3 Ways to Avoid Getting It

HPV – 3 Ways to Avoid Getting It

There are over 250 strains or types of HPV virus that have been identified to date. Of these, most are benign and harmless. Although they can’t be cured, the symptoms they produce can be treated successfully, and most of these virus strains …

General Articles

Abs Workout – Get the Abs You Want

Abs Workout – Get the Abs You Want

The abs of your dreams begins with a great abs workout. In the middle is all the work you do sticking to that plan. The end is the result; the abs you want. So let’s begin to look at what a great …

General Articles

The Ultimate Protection Against Swine Flu – Vaccines

The Ultimate Protection Against Swine Flu – Vaccines

The growing swine flu epidemic is gradually becoming serious. The disease is spreading freely across the world and has now achieved pandemic status, the first for influenza for 41 years.

As the possibility of a real swine flu vaccines dawns, we need …

General Articles

5 Ways HPV Can Affect Your Life

5 Ways HPV Can Affect Your Life

Whether you are young or old, male or female, the HPV virus can affect your life in many ways. Having a handle on the basic facts will help you stay healthy and protect yourself. HPV has many strains, each behaving differently, some more …

General Articles

Vitamin D is Needed to Fight and Prevent the Flu

Vitamin D is Needed to Fight and Prevent the Flu

This past year everyone saw with their own two eyes that our government’s public health officials had no problem using fear to influence Americans to be guinea pigs for an experimental H1N1 vaccine. It was equally obvious that the government …

General Articles

Quality Dentistry: How Long Do Dental Crowns or Caps Last and Can They Get Cavities Under Them?

Quality Dentistry: How Long Do Dental Crowns or Caps Last and Can They Get Cavities Under Them?

Providing long-lasting dentistry that looks good and feels good has always been a priority for me. When my patients had treatment in our office, like a crown or a cap the dental work …