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How to Prevent and Cure the Flu Naturally Without a Vaccine

How to Prevent and Cure the Flu Naturally Without a Vaccine

“If a doctor treats your flu, it will go away in fourteen days. If you leave it alone, it will go away in two weeks,” said Gloria Silverstein. Drinking water, washing your hands, and getting enough sleep are important, but the most effective thing you can do to prevent any sort of flu is to boost your immune system. When your immune system is functioning properly your risk of contracting the flu is severely reduced.

Immune system boosters include green tea, garlic, green vegetables, and regular exercise and avoid- or at least reduce- sugar, dairy and meat products. Additionally adding vitamin D to your diet can give you the extra boost your body needs to prevent the flu.

Part 1: Preventing the Flu with Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is a widespread and common problem that causes chronic conditions, debilitating diseases and, in some cases, death. Over one million people die each year from vitamin D deficiency most likely due to not getting enough sun exposure because of skin cancer fears. The irony is that Vitamin D actually prevents cancer and other diseases including the swine flu!

Doctors recommend taking Vitamin D regularly to boost your immune system. “Vitamin D is produced in the body during exposure to sunlight,” says Dr. Oz, host of the Dr. Oz Show. “During the winter we tend to get less exposure so vitamin D supplements are recommended. People who take vitamin D supplements have better luck avoiding the seasonal flu; there is no reason to think that it won’t do the same for H1N1 virus. Flu outbreaks tend to occur in places where solar radiation is low.”

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Experts agree, “If you take vitamin D, you don’t need a vaccine!” says Mike Adams, editor of Natural News. The swine flu vaccine is experimental and risky. With vaccine side effects ranging from headaches to severe life-threatening allergic reactions, take some Vitamin D please!

Part 2: Curing the Flu with Homeopathy

Throughout history, homeopathic remedies have been used to treat many different strains of flu. Now many believe that homeopathy will treat this latest H1N1 strain of swine flu. “Based on the symptoms, homeopathy can offer an effective cure to swine flu,” says Harcharanjeet Kaur, a homeopath at Bakson’s Homeopathy Clinic. “Moreover, it does not have any side effects.”

In 1918, homeopathic remedies were used to treat many victims of the Spanish flu, which killed over 50 million people. 28% of the people treated by western medicine died while only 1% of those treated with homeopathy did. “Gelsemium and Bryonia were the two homeopathic remedies that proved to be effective against the H1N1 strain back then,” says Mukesh Batra, acclaimed homeopath in India. “These could be of great use even today.”

Homeopathic Doctors in Mexico City studied the records from 1918 and determined the many similarities between the two pandemics. They successfully treated patients with swine flu in May of 2009.

This news comes at a time when the government is rolling out the latest H1N1 swine flu vaccine, touting the reasons to get the injection, and the media is using its typical scare tactics to get people to line up for the shot- which appears to be not only unnecessary, but also harmful. According to the CDC, “A vaccine, like any medicine, could possibly cause serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions.”

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Homeopaths agree that the vaccine is not the cure that the media makes it out to be. “The current vaccine against the seasonal influenza strain H1N1 is highly unlikely to provide protection against this variant,” says homeopath Dr. Sulaikha Hamza. “In case preventive measures do not work or you are already dealing with swine influenza, homeopathic remedies can serve as an appropriate solution.”