Health & Fitness

Month: August 2022

General Articles

What is the H1N1 Virus?

What is the H1N1 Virus?

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made an announcement in 2009 regarding the H1N1 virus (Swine Flu). The information below will give you some insight into what the virus is, who it affects, and what measures are being taken to ensure the safety …

General Articles

ABCs of Typhoid Vaccination

ABCs of Typhoid Vaccination

When you’re visiting a foreign country, trying new and exotic local food can be one of the most exciting parts of your trip. Whether you’re taste-testing Cambodian bay chhar rice or Colombian sanocho soup, learning about new flavors and customs is an experience most travelers look …

General Articles

How Can You Encourage Children to Eat Healthily?

How Can You Encourage Children to Eat Healthily?

Working around that picky eater is never a simple task, especially when the only foods a child seems interested in comes in a box and is full of sugar. Fortunately, it is possible to encourage healthier eating habits for children. It will …

General Articles

What Are the Benefits of Eating Fruits and Vegetables?

What Are the Benefits of Eating Fruits and Vegetables?

Everyone knows that eating fruits and vegetables is essential for one’s health; yet there are many people that don’t get the required number of servings of fruits and vegetables needed each day for optimum health. Many companies are actively placing notations …

General Articles

Parvovirus and Distemper in Dogs – Completely Preventable Canine Diseases

Parvovirus and Distemper in Dogs – Completely Preventable Canine Diseases

The 2 most commonly talked about diseases in dogs is parvovirus (parvo for short) and distemper. This article will explain both of these diseases and how you can protect your dog from ever becoming infected.

Canine Parvovirus (CPV) is a …

General Articles

Why a Healthy Diet Is Critical for Long-Term Wellness

Why a Healthy Diet Is Critical for Long-Term Wellness

Many people focus on maintaining a healthy diet strictly for physical appearance purposes. Society tells you that being thin is desirable and for this reason many people attempt to eat in a way that minimizes weight gain. What society does not …

General Articles

HIV Vaccine – Is There Any Success?

HIV Vaccine – Is There Any Success?

Viruses which attack the immune system of human are very critical because it causes your body failure to recover some injured area. The most common virus that is able to do this effect is HIV which can be transmitted by three ways. The …

General Articles

Bodybuilding Supplements to Show Your Muscle

Bodybuilding Supplements to Show Your Muscle

As today’s generation becomes more and more health conscious, focus is on healthy living, which is scientifically attributed to a combination of genes, a healthy diet and a good fitness regime. Not everybody is blessed with genes fit for an athlete, but with the …

General Articles

Five Types of Malaria Prophylaxis Vaccination Drugs Available for Travel Protection

Five Types of Malaria Prophylaxis Vaccination Drugs Available for Travel Protection

Malaria has been extinct in the United States since the early 1950s. Thanks to intense government interventions in the early 20th century, contracting malaria within the U.S. is now almost impossible.

What is not impossible, however, is catching the …

General Articles

HPV and Pregnancy – What You Should Know

HPV and Pregnancy – What You Should Know

One of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, the Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, affects approximately three quarters of sexually active men and women. Many of these people will never know they even have the virus as it often does not display any …

General Articles

Who Needs a Travel Vaccination? If You’re Visiting Brazil, You Do! Stop by a Travel Clinic to Learn

Who Needs a Travel Vaccination? If You’re Visiting Brazil, You Do! Stop by a Travel Clinic to Learn

Different countries present different health risks that travelers need to prepare for. People going to Southeast Asia, for example, are at risk for diseases and illnesses that one won’t find in say, …

General Articles

Breast Cancer Update 2010

Breast Cancer Update 2010

Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women. The first symptom of this cancer for many women is a lump in their breast. However it must be pointed out that many women have breast lumps which are benign (non cancerous) so it is important to …

General Articles

Flu Vaccination Update – A H1N1, Swine Flu, Seasonal Flu Non-Technical Update

Flu Vaccination Update – A H1N1, Swine Flu, Seasonal Flu Non-Technical Update

Flu season is fast approaching and as of this writing, the new flu vaccines have just become available and the first batches delivered to health care facilities around the United States.  This year we are facing some unique …

General Articles

Your Mum Was Right – Wash Those Hands!

Your Mum Was Right – Wash Those Hands!

Many of us only wash our hands after using the restroom. While this is a good habit, you should make it a point to wash your hands frequently throughout the day. Every now and then, stop what you are doing and go …

General Articles

Nature Wanted Us to Be Healthy, Not to Be Fat

Nature Wanted Us to Be Healthy, Not to Be Fat

If you look at the ingredient list of the food you buy at the store you will notice it is packed with chemicals and preservatives, and all that just encourage your body to store fat. What is more interesting is …

General Articles

High Blood Pressure Healthy Diet and Medication

High Blood Pressure Healthy Diet and Medication

People facing the high blood pressure problem must give due attention to their diet as it is a fact that healthy diet has a strong effect on blood pressure and the heart. When a person starts taking healthy diet in his/her routine life, …

General Articles

What is a Healthy Diet?

What is a Healthy Diet?

We all know that we should probably make healthier choices when it comes to food but do we really understand what it means to consume a healthy diet? Starving yourself to try and lose weight is certainly not the answer and neither are the diet …

General Articles

How to Detect and Prevent Cervical Cancer

How to Detect and Prevent Cervical Cancer

Thanks to widespread screening, the incidence of cervical cancer has decreased significantly. Pre-cancer lesions can be detected and removed before they become malignant. In 2010, approximately 12,200 patients are estimated to be diagnosed with cervical cancer in the United States. An estimated 4,210 …

General Articles

Why Boast MMR As Single Vaccinations?

Why Boast MMR As Single Vaccinations?

The MMR vaccine is an injection that prevents you from catching the following three diseases. Measles can cause ear infections, pneumonia, fits and inflammation of the brain. Sometimes it may prove fatal to life. Mumps can cause meningitis, which can cause deafness. It may …

General Articles

Recommended Immunizations For Spain Travel

Recommended Immunizations For Spain Travel

Most of the countries around the world do not require any vaccinations for visitors but the vaccinations are always advisable. People who travel around the world should have an idea about the basic vaccinations and different county’s vaccination requirements. Having an idea about the common …