Health & Fitness

Maintaining Dental Health

Wisdom Teeth Extraction, Possible Complications Post-Surgery

The most common surgical procedure performed by dentists and oral surgeons is wisdom teeth extraction. Naturally, as any type of surgical intervention, wisdom teeth removal poses some risks. Among them are partial numbness resulting from nerve damage – temporary or permanent, excessive bleeding, infection of the extraction site, and dry socket.
In a small number of persons, the roots of the tooth get damaged or bruised during the extraction procedure, resulting How To Keep Your Teeth Whiter With Braces in numbness or partial numbness. Thus, these patients cannot feel temperature changes, touch, as well as pain.
It is hard to tell how often complications occur after teeth extraction. Some studies show that one in ten patients has problems after or during the operation. The good news is that these are not permanent or serious in most cases. Usually, serious complications occur in patients who have impacted wisdom teeth and are older than 25 years of age.
Excessive bleeding may occur after the surgery but less than one in one-hundred patients has excessive or persistent bleeding which is difficult to stop. Usually, bleeding stops completely within 6 hours following teeth extraction. Small amounts of blood are normal within the first two days after the surgery.
Another possible complication following wisdom teeth extraction is difficulty opening your mouth. This is known as trismus. Your jaw may feel stiff and become locked, and you may find it difficult to brush your teeth, talk, or eat normally. This happens due to an injury Disadvantages Of Being A Dentist of the medial pterygoid muscle, and there are different reasons for it occurring. It may be that your mouth stayed open for too long, while other reasons are injury caused by a needle, swelling, hematoma, and inflammation. In most cases, this is only temporary.
Dry socket is another complication after wisdom teeth removal, and this occurs when a blood clot fails to form in the socket. Most research studies report that dry socket occurs in 5 to 10 percent of cases after wisdom teeth removal. How to avoid dry socket? There are certain things you can do, including avoiding vigorous swishing and rinsing with water, spitting, smoking, and suction, i.e. drinking liquids with a straw. Avoid these for three days after the surgery. In addition, you should avoid activities that are likely to change the pressure in the oral cavity, for example, playing some musical instrument. Other things to avoid include having carbonated beverages such as alcohol and pop soda as well as vigorous physical activity.

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