Health & Fitness


Charming Smile

A Closer Look at Wisdom Teeth

Should they present a bad position or bring on you plenty of soreness or distress, these will have to be removed.
When the wisdom teeth initially come in, they’ll at times end up being impacted. Impacted teeth will typically need to be extracted. Sometimes they can be pulled, although in …

Dangerous Food

Signs Your Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed

For some of us, a trip to the dentist seems like an arduous task. If we are lucky, we get through our annual cleanings without hearing bad news, particularly the need to come in for some drilling and fillings. For those of us with wisdom teeth, each trip may cause …

Bad Habit

Dentist – Wisdom Teeth

Everyone has to deal with wisdom teeth at some point in their young adult lives. Some people are lucky and they grow in fine without any complications. However for many, the incoming molars cause overcrowding and pain which only gets worse as time progresses. This discomfort can affect the ability …

Dental Surgery

Dentist – Wisdom Teeth

Everyone has to deal with wisdom teeth at some point in their young adult lives. Some people are lucky and they grow in fine without any complications. However for many, the incoming molars cause overcrowding and pain which only gets worse as time progresses. This discomfort can affect the ability …

Maintaining Dental Health

Wisdom Teeth Extraction, Possible Complications Post-Surgery

The most common surgical procedure performed by dentists and oral surgeons is wisdom teeth extraction. Naturally, as any type of surgical intervention, wisdom teeth removal poses some risks. Among them are partial numbness resulting from nerve damage – temporary or permanent, excessive bleeding, infection of the extraction site, and dry …

Dental Caries

Understanding How Your Wisdom Teeth Are Removed

They are known as third molars. They are located in the back of the mouth, and used for most of our chewing. Wisdom teeth usually emerge from the gum line (a process called eruption) when a person is between the ages of seventeen and twenty-one. The problem is, there is …