Health & Fitness


Life Coaching For Dentists – How to Market a Mercury Free Dental Practice

You have gone mercury free. Now what? There are patients out there looking for you who want treatment as soon as possible. How do you help them find you? And, what about the ADA? No need to worry. The answers are not as complicated as you think. The Mercury Free Marketing System presented in this article will show you how to:
• Attract patients who are looking for mercury free dentistry and do not know where to go.
• Market as a mercury free dentist without feeling you are in conflict with the ADA.
• Create alliances with and gain referrals from other Health Practitioners.
• Stand out in a world of dentists who advertise cosmetic and pain free dentistry.
• Create curiosity in your existing patients so they start asking about mercury free treatment.
Serving patients who want amalgam free dentistry can bring a new level of satisfaction and fulfillment to your work. Many patients have had this treatment recommended by their Doctor, Psychiatrist, or other Health Professional. Some are trying to eliminate challenges to their systems as they struggle with chronic illness. And others are simply concerned and want to be as health oriented as possible. These patients have a high level of treatment acceptance and want their treatment as soon as possible. In many cases there is a shortage of dentists in their area offering what they want. Following are 8 steps that can support you in being the one they find.
Step 1: Where are you on the Mercury Free Spectrum? The four basic levels are:
A. Mercury Free: Not placing any new amalgam fillings.
B. Mercury Free with Safe Mercury Filling Removal: Includes following specific recommended guidelines for removing amalgams in a way that does not expose the patient to mercury vapor. (See: http:/)
C. Mercury Safe: In addition to the first two levels, the atmosphere in the office is kept mercury free to provide safety for all patients and team members.
D. Holistic Dentistry: Includes all of the other levels with additional care options such as biocompatible material testing or detoxification support.
If you have concerns about mercury, I recommend you be at a minimum of level two. The equipment required for this level will recoup its investment very quickly and the information Can Dentist Charge More Than Insurance Allows you need to get started is on the IAOMT website. Of course, I highly recommend you join their organization and attend meetings to learn and grow in this area.
Step 2: Prepare your team. Share with them what you believe about mercury and what you will be offering. Brainstorm with them how to answer questions that will come up. Mercury free patients may ask a lot of questions and they usually start at the initial phone call, so include your front desk team in this conversation. Educate your team so that the communication is consistent. I suggest creating a document that everyone in the office can use as a resource. If you are concerned about the ADA, have your team only bring up amalgam when people ask about it.
Step 3: Create a message that you feel comfortable getting out to the world. It may be as simple as, “Now offering mercury free dentistry”, which should not affect your ADA standing. Or, you may feel comfortable expressing a stronger opinion and providing more information.
Step 4: Add information about mercury free dentistry and what you offer to your website and other existing advertising. If you do not have a website, get one. The cost is minimal and it is easy to create a simple site with a few pages on your own if you are not ready to hire a professional. This is very important because the majority of mercury free patients look for dentists online.
Step 5: Offer in-office materials for patients who are interested in the subject. IAOMT has nice brochures. Post the Dental Board sign about mercury causing reproductive harm. It used to be required. Find creative ways to bring the subject forward with signs, cards, or other marketing pieces. Keep it simple and professional. You just want to catch the eye of the people who might be interested.
Step 6: If you believe amalgam fillings are not the best treatment option for other reasons, let your existing patients know. Tell them if you have concerns such as tooth fractures, the amount of tooth structure removed with amalgam, or periodontal health around these fillings.
Step 7: Expand your internet marketing. This is the most effective way to market mercury free dental care. Health oriented patients love to search online for information. So, get your name out there. Some of the ways you can do this include:
A. Join and get listed on holistic and mercury free websites. Start with the first ones that come up when you do a search for mercury free. Consider paid listings only for highly ranked sites.
B. Write Ezine articles that are published online. They will increase your position on search engines and a link to your website will be included. The best known site for this is http:/. (The articles do not have to be perfect, but if you and your team are uncomfortable writing you can hire someone to help you with this.)
C. Email regular press releases to your local newspapers.
D. Consider Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites. One option would be to connect with your patients and send out a daily dental tip. Or, you could post about an amazing case you just completed.
Step 8: Open the door to other external marketing opportunities:
A. Contact your local Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Psychiatrists, and other holistic practitioners to let them know what you offer. Stay in regular contact and provide them with business cards, brochures, or other marketing pieces you have created.
B. Give a talk about the subject to local groups or at events. You might even How To Review A Dentist collaborate with other health practitioners to create your own event.
C. Participate in health fairs. Be sure to have dynamic visual material at your booth.
D. Join holistic organizations like the American Holistic Medical Association in your area and attend their meetings to meet more practitioners who will refer to you.
E. Look for other organizations and opportunities for network marketing.
F. Buy advertising space in a local magazine. Choose one that will include a story about you or allow you to contribute an article of your own.
G. Hire a coach or consultant who can support you through this process.
One final note: I have been hearing of dentists saying they provide safe mercury filling removal that are not following the special guidelines or using the equipment recommended. Please stay in integrity with this. There are people out there who truly have metal toxicity or are fragile due to illness. Whether you believe in mercury dangers or not, it is not right to mislead patients. And, for the rest of you, congratulations on making a decision that is a win for both you and your patients. Get the word out. Let people know what you are offering. There are patients out there looking for you right now.

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