Health & Fitness

Oral Diseases

Avert Pain Due To Receding Gums

There are many reasons why a person experiences receding gums. It happens naturally as we age. It can also happen with some medications, going through chemotherapy and women who are pregnant. There are also people that do not visit a dentist or do any oral care.
There are two types of gum recessions. That for thin, fragile tissue patients. They brush their teeth and see a dentist regularly, Drugs Used In Dentistry Slideshare but the tissue is very thin and you can see the bottom roots of the teeth. The other recession is bacterial and infection related.
If you notice bleeding when brushing your teeth, that is the first sign of periodontal disease. It can be addressed easily in the first stage. With proper care and instructions from your dentist, it can be solved at home. The longer you allow an issue like that to occur, the longer and deeper the care will be.
You can get an in depth cleaning that is called root scaling and planing. That requires several visits as they need to numb four quadrants of your mouth. You can get that done in two visits with one side of the mouth numb per visit and some patients will ask for four visits as they have dental phobias. If the recession is at a depth of 3mm and up, your hygienist might want to place a perio product at the gum line to clear infection and proper healing of the gum areas.
If you have severe recession of 8mm pockets, you can also need to see a periodontist for osseous surgery. This requires actually cutting the gums open and scaling at and below the roots. Many periodontists do laser surgery now that is less painful and requires less healing time. This is for the more severe cases and will help you retain your teeth with proper dental visits.
The signs of recession, is gum recession with spaces between the teeth that were not there before, bleeding gums, bad breath, reddened gums and loose sensitive teeth. You may not have all of these, but just a few need to have some additional care put forth. If you see reddened gums, and bleeding after brushing, try adjusting what you do and look for improvement. If there is none, see your dentist soon.
Risk factors are smoking, diabetes, genetically-reduced resistance to gum disease and different types of bacteria in the mouth. Aggravating factors are pregnancy, smoking and tobacco, bad nutrition, depressed immune system, medications and hormones, poor dental hygiene and drug use. It is amazing how how just something so small can make your teeth sensitive, and your gums ache.
If you do notice receding gums, play close attention to a variety of things. Your diet, hygiene and other habits all play a role. If small adjustments at home do not result in improvement do see your dentist while it is Average Cost Of Supplemental Dental Insurance early on. Rapid care can mean quick results and less pain for you. If you need deeper care, follow the instructions as much as possible and create some new habits. Those new instructions will help prevent future issues.