Health & Fitness

Year: 2019

Dangerous Food

Tooth Development and Habits

Tooth development is a big deal when we’re young: our first tooth, first loose tooth, first full-grown adult tooth. Captain Dental Hero may visit a child’s school and teach the ins-and-outs Dental Careers List of dental care. How to brush, floss and how frequently. Remember those chalky little pink chews …


Teeth Whitening Tips and Tooth Care Guide

Teeth whitening has become a popular treatment in today’s culture. A process that used to be limited to the rich and famous, is now a common practice among the every day working class. Many methods are used and varied results come from each different method. Professional treatments at a dentist …

Dangerous Food

Finding The Best Dental Plans

If you are looking for dental insurance coverage for yourself and your family, then I am sure that you are looking for the best dental plans. The best is always subjective, but of course there are also several standards to be met. When looking for best plans, make sure to …

Bad Habit

Dentist – Wisdom Teeth

Everyone has to deal with wisdom teeth at some point in their young adult lives. Some people are lucky and they grow in fine without any complications. However for many, the incoming molars cause overcrowding and pain which only gets worse as time progresses. This discomfort can affect the ability …


Can Cosmetic Dentistry Make A Difference To You?

Regular visits to the dentist are not just about making your teeth look beautiful, but are also an important part of maintaining your health. Cosmetic dentistry is just one small reason for going to the dentist every six months or so. Your dentist spent a lot of years training so …

Charming Smile

An Overview of the 3i Dental Implant

The 3i Dental Implant is a product of Biomet 3i. The 3i implant is a tapered implant that has been designed Best Dentistry Universities Uk to provide primary stability and also help the dental surgeon in placing it in the jaw accurately.
The 3i dental implant has accurate, uniform thread …


Cat Health Care – 3 Common Health Issues in Cats

Cats are independent creatures happy to purr in your lap for a while only to jump down to investigate the food bowl or conduct one of many daily grooming sessions. Most cat health issues arise due to conditions the cat encounters outside your home or contagious diseases that can be …


Famous Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment and Trends

The tooth fairy is not a figment of your imagination. They are ever so present and constantly interact with us on a daily basis. They can be found just along the corner wearing white dental gown and are commonly referred to as cosmetic dentists. They restore your perfect smile by …

Oral Diseases

Oral Care in Summer

The hot weather in summer in some way has facilitated the breeding for all kinds of bacteria. For those who pay much attention to their oral health, we have some tips to offer in the oral care in summer time. Now let’s take a look at them.
1. Pay attention …


Features of Medicare Dental Plans

Medicare is a unique health insurance plan which covers various health care medical checkups and treatments including dental problems. Medicare is highly beneficial for patients undergoing various treatments either from hospitals or at homes. There are different types of medicare plans and the purchasers are required to conduct researches regarding …