Health & Fitness


How French Garbage Can Help Your Dental Marketing!

If you would like a plan for making your dental marketing successful, then there is a lot to be learned from the garbage that’s piling up in France.
Have you heard?
Workers in France are on strike because French President Nicolas Sarkozy wants to increase the age of retirement to 62.
That’s because too many French retirees are collecting social security. And too few younger workers are paying into the system.
Which is a recipe for financial meltdown!
Meanwhile, the garbage guys in France are really socking-it-to the government by not collecting the trash. So garbage is piling up faster than the White House can rack up more debt.
Which brings up a question: How can piles of French garbage help your dental marketing?
How Piles of French Garbage Can Help Your Dental Marketing:
If you begin aggressively marketing your dental practice… using emotional direct response… you will rack up your share of marketing bombs!
That’s part of the learning process. And it certainly hurts.
But, so what! Dust yourself off. Learn from what went wrong. And gosh-darn-it try again!
For example, you could:
1. Change Your Offer.
2. Change your Headline.
3. Re-write Your Copy To Include Veneers Teeth Meaning A Captivating Story.
4. Give Away A “Gift With Purchase”.
Or a hundred other things. But don’t toss in the towel.
And don’t let your dental marketing duds… which can pile up like French How Much Are Implants garbage… get you down. Heck, plenty of marketing pros have duds too.
Direct marketing works, when you do it right. And if you “give up” just because one dental marketing promotion tanked… then you would be making a crucial mistake.

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