Health & Fitness


Dental Caries

Home Tooth Whitening Can Be Simple and Painless

Many people today are interested in home tooth whitening, to save time and money. Having the procedure done at the Dentist’s office is time consuming. Taking time out of one’s day for such a procedure is not something many are able to do. It can also cost hundreds of dollars …

Bad Habit

Dental Care – Pretty Simple to Follow If Done Regularly

Of all the organs in the body, it is the teeth that often get a step motherly treatment from most people. They attend to their skin, hair and other organs with great urgency but somehow neglect their teeth and it is only when they face various dental problems that they …


Simple Tips to Overcome Fear of the Dentist

Dental anxiety is an actual syndrome that pertains to fear of the dentist. Many Healthy Teeth Food people suffer from dental anxiety, and overcoming it is not the easiest task.
Unfortunately, fear of the dentist stops a lot of people in need of professional dental care from having healthy teeth. …

Maintaining Dental Health

You and Your Teeth – The Simple Facts

Let’s cut to the chase.
I could explain in detail why the following facts are true, but instead of creating War and Peace for your teeth, let’s just keep it simple.
Tooth decay is a living, breathing disease that only gets worse. Like termites, it has to be removed and …

Charming Smile

Simple Oral Care Tips to Prevent Teeth Problems

Oral care is the main element of the basic human hygiene as well as healthcare. Nonetheless, most people overlook oral care and this leads to cavities, tooth decay, and plaque build-up. A constant visit to the dentist is among the most vital features to ensure sturdy and healthy teeth. Apart …