Health & Fitness


Your Dog’s Dental Health is Important

Pet dogs are often treated as members of the family as they can be such adorable companions. They can also be very loving and protective towards their human family. Keeping your dog healthy will ensure that he will have a long life, and you will have the benefit of his faithfulness for many years.
Most pet dog owners take their dogs’ health seriously, and so would make sure that their dog receives the required immunizations against common dog diseases. However, one of the most taken for granted area of dog health care is their teeth. It’s true that a dog’s natural desire to keep chewing and biting can help them keep their teeth clean from plaque, because the bones that they chew on are natural plaque cleaners. This act of chewing raw bones can also help your dog prevent cavities, as most of the meat that can get into their teeth are removed when they chew bones.
If your dog, however, is more used to eating soft foods in cans or cut pieces of hard food, chewing on a bone may not be that helpful in taking care of his teeth. Help your Dentist Appointment dog take care of his teeth by letting him chew on raw bones a few times each week. Even rawhide bones that you can easily find in pet shops will do for this purpose.
If you see that chewing on bones is not enough to get his teeth cleaned, use a special dog toothpaste and toothbrush that you can also buy from pet stores. Preferably, you should brush your dog’s teeth daily, but if this proves to be quite a chore, do this at least 3 or 4 times every week.
Make sure that there are no foods left stuck in his teeth, and brush his teeth regularly, giving him an occasional gum massage also to encourage proper blood circulation. You should also Health And Dental Insurance encourage your dog to eat hard, dry food, aside from the usual, soft canned food. Try giving him dog biscuits which may also help in scraping the plaque build-up from his teeth.
Remember to ask your vet to inspect your dog’s mouth and teeth, just to make sure that there are no infections or that his teeth are getting really cleaned. Your vet may also advice you on the proper nutrition that your dog needs to have healthy teeth, bones and muscles.
An ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure. So pay attention to your dog’s dental health, before it’s too late. Your dog will definitely enjoy better health and longer life, if his teeth are kept clean and healthy.

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