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The Advantages of Nitrous Oxide For Dentistry

There are several advantages to the use of Nitrous Oxide – ‘Laughing Gas’- for dental sedation. In place of an IV type of sedation or a general anesthesia, Nitrous Oxide is out of the system quickly and there is no hangover effect. Patients are able to drive to the office, undergo a more complex dental procedure while the gas is used along with a local anesthetic. The procedure is completed, the gas is discontinued, the patient is alert and oriented after a brief time and is able to drive himself home. He does not require the help of a friend or some sort of caregiver.

Nitrous Oxide is administered along with oxygen through a mask. The desired gas mix is determined by the administrator, who monitors the various meters and pressure gauges that regulate the flow of the gas. The patient’s mask is sometimes ‘flavored’ and delivers a gas that smells like vanilla, strawberry or mint. Kids really this and have fun selecting the ‘flavor’ of mask that they will use.

Advantages of Denali Dental Nitrous Oxide

This gas works very rapidly and reaches the brain within 20 seconds of the first whiff.

The relaxation and pain-killing features develop after just 2 or 3 minutes. This means there is no delay in getting your dental procedure started.

The level of sedation can be altered very quickly because the gas administrator can adjust the gas flow easily. This is not true with IV sedation where once you are sedated, you must gradually wake up.

Incremental doses of the gas can be given until the desired level of sedation is achieved.

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There is no danger of overdose or under-dosage as might occasionally occur with an IV sedation drug.

When gas is used, a change in the administered therapeutic level can be made quickly. This allows the patient to be sedated more deeply for a particularly painful portion of the treatment and then awakened much more quickly as it is completed.

Many sedation techniques, such as the use of IV drugs, are effective for a certain amount of time before they begin to ‘wear off’. Gas can be given for a specific period and then switched off. If it appears that additional sedation will be necessary to complete a procedure, the Nitrous Oxide can be quickly turned back on.

Nitrous Oxide is quite effective in controlling and reducing a severe gag reflex.

There is no injection required – a fact that is bound to please the many patients who do not like needle sticks.

Laughing gas is appropriate when used to initially sedate a severely ‘needle phobic’ patient who will be receiving IV sedation but who can not tolerate the sight or use of any needles. Once the patient is sedated with Nitrous Oxide, the needle can be inserted for the administration of additional drugs.

Nitrous Oxide acts as a pain killer and is suitable for use in procedures which involve soft tissues, such as a deep cleaning.

The pain-relieving effects of Nitrous Oxide vary from person Broken Tooth Root Still In Gum to person. The effective amount may need to be adjusted.

There are few side effects and there have been no reports of damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, or brain.

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Patients do not suffer any drug hangover. The gas is eliminated from the body in approximately 3 to 5 minutes after administration has stopped.

Because there are no residual symptoms, patients are alert after the completion of the procedure. They can drive themselves home and do not need anyone to help.

When you discuss sedation with your dentist, be sure to ask about Nitrous Oxide as it can solve many of your pain problems with little fuss.