Health & Fitness

Maintaining Dental Health

Oral Health Concerns for Teens

Like it or not, tweens and teenagers are bound to do something awkward to their mouths as soon as puberty and peer pressure set in. Tongue piercings, smoking, drugs, oral sex, and a lot more contribute to the degrading dental health of teens these days. Many psychologists and some overbearing parents would call this a “natural” phase of their kid’s life. We would like to deter these opinions.
Lackluster oral health at an early age may mean terrifying consequences for children as they grow up. Bad teeth are likely to be the cause of dissociative issues with their family members and peers. As children grow up to be adults, they become more and more conscious about their oral health, especially with their teeth. Many children who have been the target of pranks at school often have discolored and disfigured teeth. As parents, we should act on our kids’ oral health as soon as we see some problems running about.
The human psyche is a fascinating concept. Psychologists have suggested that people tend to ignore imperfections within their bodies as long as they do not cause any pain. The same goes for teeth. People are more likely to ignore their worsening dental conditions until any pain arises. Teenagers, as they grow up, feel the guilt of not getting their dental condition at an early age when it was treatable. More and more people are getting dentures by the years and a surprising figure is that people aged 20-30 years are the most active batch to have their teeth plucked out.
There is this what we call a domino effect in the confidence of people. Whiter teeth dramatically increases the feeling of self-worth and more importantly, the self-confidence of an individual. People with white, healthy teeth, at a young age and even at their teen years, tend to perform better in school and socialize better. People with horrid teeth, however, are more likely to be dissociative and dislike going to school. They also tend to form a pseudo-“bad apples” Jaw Bone Coming Through Gum After Extraction faction with people who share their the same imperfections that they have. Leaving our kids’ dental health to rot will make them despise us parents even more. We should intervene if we see a problem. As parents, we should know that our finances should be focused on building a better future for our children. Having their teeth corrected at an early age means they are set for the future. A good set of teeth plus a good education correlates to long-term success.
We also advise teenagers to be open about their health, particularly with the condition of their teeth and gums. Toothaches should not be ignored, as they may result to a root canal or an unwanted dental extraction if not treated in time. Our advise is, regardless Teeth Whitening Discoloration of familial wealth, teenagers should not be shy to ask for money, especially if it is for a dental condition. Parents should also be open to teaching their children how the family finances work and what types of insurance their children are enrolled in.