Health & Fitness

Charming Smile

Dog’s Dental Care – Causes of Bad Breath

There are millions of households throughout the world that keep pets at their home. In these homes, dog is the most popular pet of all because of the reason that the animal is considered as the most faithful and friendly animal. Dental health plays a vital role in overall health of your dog. By keeping your pet’s teeth and gums in good shape will ensure many health benefits in addition to the sparkling fresh breath that you will definitely love to have in your dog.
There are several indications that alert you that your lovely pet is having dental health problems. In these indications, bad breath is the most common indication. In case your dog is having bad breath, mostly likely it has some problems in teeth and gums. It is very important to schedule a Rotten Tooth Extraction Cost visit to the veterinarian. Usually teeth or gum diseases are the main cause of bad breath but there are some other reasons such kidney failure, diabetes, nasal or facial skin infections, cancers or situations where the animal is ingesting feces or other materials can also cause bad breath.
In medical terms, bad breath is known as “halitosis”. Bad breath in dogs is caused by bacterial infection of the gums and supporting tissues that can be seen with periodontal disease. Another important term which you must understand for better dental care of your pet is about plaque and tartar. Plaque Dental Care In Tamil can easily be considered as a colony of bacteria, along with saliva, blood cell and some other bacterial components. Plaque is the main cause of various tooth and gum diseases. At the other hand tartar is the hard form of plaque and far more dangerous for your pet as far its dental care is concerned.
Many people don’t take the bad breath of their dog very seriously whereas plaque and tartar badly damage the teeth and gums. As a matter of fact plaque and tartar are main cause not only for dental diseases but for many other problems as well. Problem starts from gums when these become inflamed, red, swollen and sore. At the end gums separate from the teeth, which create pockets and more amounts of bacteria, plaque and tartar build up in these pockets. Bacteria from these pockets enter into bloodstream and start affecting other body parts.