Health & Fitness


3 Steps to Effective Dental Hygiene

Caring for your teeth is more important than you may realize! Dangerous plaque and tartar deposits could be building up on your teeth, leading to serious tooth and money loss in your future. Plaque that builds up on your teeth can cause your teeth to decay — dental decay can become very painful, causing your daily routine to come to a halt! If left unattended for an extended period, teeth with heavy tartar buildup can rot away.
Lack of dental hygiene often leads to serious and painful conditions such as gum disease and periodontal disease — consistent dental hygiene is the best defense Affordable Dentist Near Me against dental problems before it is too late! Here are 3 helpful tips for effective dental hygiene that can ensure the strength and longevity of your teeth.
1. Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day. A quick brush of your teeth in the morning is often not enough — be sure to brush your teeth before bed as well to improve your dental hygiene. Often, teeth decay simply because old food particles have remained Tooth Decay Treatment near them for too long. Brush in a circular motion to thoroughly clean all tooth surfaces and your tongue; carefully brush your gums as well to help prevent dangerous gum diseases. Increase your brushing frequency if you drink coffee or soda frequently.
2. Floss your teeth for a few minutes every day. Be sure to heed your dentist’s advice to floss your teeth often. A toothbrush cannot dislodge everything from between your teeth, especially the particles that have made their way under your gums. Rotting plaque trapped between your teeth or under your gums may seem disgusting, but in perspective, the two-minute chore of flossing daily seems a much better option than long-term, costly dental work to fix cavities between your teeth!
3. Visit a dentist regularly to receive necessary dental care. Preventative dental care at your dentist usually consists of a checkup and teeth cleaning every 6-12 months, X-rays every year or two to check for irregularities inside your teeth’s bone structure, and the replacement of sealants or fillings every few years. A money-saving dental plan or insurance can cut the cost of this preventative care.
Follow all of these tips regularly to keep your teeth healthy and happy. Consistently brushing and flossing your teeth is vital for your long-term dental health, but be sure to take advantage of the professional dental care a dentist can provide. You may think a life-altering dental problem will not happen to you — but why take that chance?

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