Health & Fitness



Important – Saving Your Gums and Teeth and Avoiding Very Expensive Dental Bills

If you are concerned about the high cost of dental care and the almost complete lack of cost coverage – even when you have insurance – you are definitely not alone. One thing we should not overestimate is the importance of our dental health.
You may scarcely notice your teeth …

Oral Diseases

Save Money On Vet Bills And Add Years To The Life Of Your Dog

There are a number of common sense ways to save money on our dogs’ veterinary bills over their lifetimes. Most involve a little time and effort on our part as owners and handlers of the dogs. Common sense prevention not only will save money but also can add years to …

Oral Diseases

Save on 5 Major Life Expenses – Affordable Dental, Health, Food, and Bills

There is more to saving money than utilizing practical common sense. Setting a budget and cutting back due to the current economy may not be enough — your major life expenses such as finding affordable dental coverage, paying for doctor visits, and paying bills may always exist.

Saving on these …